Today is Xmas shopping day! Mom and I will be shopping now for gifts to family, friends, and godchildren.
I have five official inaanaks, but I only know three of them. The first two godchildren I had were much like just shoved onto me. Haha. I was like 16 then when their parents got me as godparent for their kids. I was even so hesitant that time; I thought I was extremely young to be called ninang! Haha. Then, when marrying age crept up with me and my high school and college batchmates, I became ninang to three more kids. This time, there wasn't any hesitation or denial, only unspoken panic! I was thinking, "Oh no, everybody's getting married and having their own kids, and I'm still single!" Yeah, I know. There is just no pleasing me. Haha. Anyway, that woe-is-me-for-I-am-still-single thing calls for a different entry. There will be many times to write about that. For now, I will just go and enjoy the day finding the best (that I can afford) gifts I can find.
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